NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End, And It's Not Looking Good for Us
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Analyzing five risk factors
for societal collapse (population,
climate, water, agriculture and
energy), the report says that
the sudden downfall of complicated
societal structures can follow
when these factors converge
to form two important criteria.
Motesharrei's report says that
all societal collapses over
the past 5,000 years have
involved both "the stretching
of resources due to the strain
placed on the ecological
carrying capacity" and "the
economic stratification of
society into Elites [rich]
and Masses (or "Commoners")
[poor]." This "Elite" population
restricts the flow of resources
accessible to the "Masses",
accumulating a surplus
for themselves that is high
enough to strain natural
resources. Eventually this
situation will inevitably
result in the destruction of society.
Elite power, the report
suggests, will buffer
"detrimental effects of the
environmental collapse
until much later than the
Commoners," allowing
the privileged to "continue
'business as usual' despite
the impending catastrophe."
Science will surely save us,
the nay-sayers may yell.
But technology, argues Motesharrei,
has only damned us further...
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